Do you know how many concepts are necessary to define rythm in music ?
My point was not against the popular concept of beat or the musical one but against the mechanization of rythm and his simplification by an industry mechanizing our mind...
@mahgister , you’re my guy and you have taught me so much, but I disagree with you on the ’Beat’ thing. The one instrument that someone tried to teach me in a very formal ways were the Drums.
In the same way do you know how many concepts are necessary to define musical time ?
The degradation of musical time in simplistic "beat" is a fact...
Now i attack no genre being "rap" or "heavy metal" or "pop" because there is great music in all these genre...
My point is about an impoverishment across most genres...
By the way rythm is the essence of music and the ground zero of music for reason linked to the gestural body, members and mouth....
my favorite music is African Yoruba speaking drum.....
( my favorite book about theoretical acoustics is written by a master of this instrument )
If we want to understand someone we must understand what he spoke about...
I never intended to speak against rap or beat... ( there is plenty of great poetical texts in rap by the way )
But against their degradation by a process of manufacturation of the product and of the public which exist in almost all genres......
I dont attack musical taste, i claim that music has nothing to do with taste but with education of our taste...
I am not born with taste for some opo artist or for bach or for yoruba drum...
I learned about myself discovering some ...
«My crocodile too had "good" taste»-- Groucho Marx