There was someone comparing my $3k PBD streamer to the $13k or $20k PBD streamer and they could not tell the difference.
And then there was someone who demoed/compared the Antipodes streamers with Aries Cerat DAC’s.
His results were that the Oladra with the Aries Cerat Helene was preferred to the Antipodes K50 with the Aries Cerat Kassandra.
So the pricier streamer with the (cheap ) $19,000 DAC was better to his ears than the cheaper streamer with the $60,000 DAC.
I have read this more than once: some people have heard significantly greater differences with high end music servers than they have with high end dacs. That is once one gets to a certain level the diminishing returns are more quick with Dacs than they are with music servers.
And no, a fiber connection does not make streamers sound the same.