Bryston BDA-1 DAC, any thoughts?

Curious about the Bryston BDA-1 stand alone DAC. Anyone own one of these or auditioned one?
How does the remote volume control work?
Using it with or without preamp?
like just about any other product that gets modded - it will void the manufacturer's warranty. Hopefully there will never be a need to repair it within the 5 year warranty period or at least the modder will hopefully honor the warranty...
not a review specifically but I did notice that this unit is about the only DAC I've seen that will take in 24/192 as an input. lots output that but this unit seems like it will take it and upscale from there?

might be of interest if this is true and unique for a future proofing benefit.
PS Audio's Perfect Wave DAC input is capable 192 khz 32 bit data via its I2S, XLR, and RCA Coax inputs.
I am wondering how much difference the Bryston would make with the sound of a run of the mill cd player. I have an old "juke box" technics 110 that I like to let run occasionally in a secondary system. Could one expect a good result via coax or toslink to a the Bryston DAC? Anyone with thoughts or experience?
Tamara -- Are you sure that the Technics has digital outputs? They made various models of 110 disk cd changers. I took a look at photos of some of them in eBay listings, and none of the ones I looked at had digital outputs.

Re your question, though, I would expect the degree of improvement you would perceive by using a Bryston DAC to be dependent on the quality of the rest of the system, particularly the speakers. It might be overkill for a secondary system.

-- Al