Where to Place Network Switch

Good Day Audio Fans,
I will soon receive a network switch.  I am getting an Ansuz Power Switch for ethernet distribution and noise reduction.  I currently mainline my ethernet from the router to my dCS Lina DAC & Master Clock.  Do you think it will make a difference if I put the Ansuz on the Router side of the ethernet cable versus the DAC side of the ethernet cable?  I’m thinking if there is no difference, then I could put the switch by the router, and plug in my home theater equipment (TV, AV Receiver & Blu-Ray player) as well.  The home theater room is just a wall away from the router but the main audio system is another floor away with a 50ft ethernet cable.



Interesting question.  Not sure if the dCS Lina clock can work on the switch.  I know the cabling ties directly into the Lina DAC.  I’ll have to research that some more.

If the goal is to limit or eliminate the EMI/RTI from the cable, would make sense to put the switch, which is supposed to clean that up, on the DAC side of the cable. Right?

Switch won’t clean anything up. Keep the switch out of your audio system. Run a long cable from switch then connect it to LAN galvanic isolator and from the isolator use a short high quality Ethernet cable into your Lina. 

Get a switch that doesn’t use a walwart. I go from the router to a more enterprise switch that doesn’t use a walwart to clean up the sound before the streamer, then use the best Ethernet cable you can afford between these 2 devices.

I also have Ansuz products and they are terrific.  I have a 26 port router and coming from that I have a Shunyata Ethernet cable connected to my Ansuz then Ansuz Ethernet cables connected to my components (dac/streamer). Set up is magical. 

good luck!!

Why people don't isolate wifi entirely from audio system is a mystery to me, wifi shouldn't exist on audio system network, routers with wifi enabled and then adding another component (switch) is not optimized network for steaming.