@pvnasby -- That's awesome! I was at that Ozric Tentacles show. They were touring their "Arboresence" album at that show. I've listened to them for years, a fantastic Prog/Psychedelic/Space Rock band. That show was October 19th, 1994. Leftover Salmon was October 20th.
Were you in town filming "Marriage, Pride & Madness" by chance? I know that movie was in town at that time. My good buddy was an employee of the NC School of the Arts in their Film School Department at that time. He was in charge of purchasing all the equipment for the studios and screening rooms they were building as they expanded. Had some GOOD times going in with him when the school was closed and playing around with the audio gear in the movie theaters! There may or may not have been some "Alice In Wonderland" activities while Led Zep's "Song Remains The Same" blared on the big screen!