Krell 200 amp, Krell KRC Preamplifier for repair

I’m in deep trouble, 6 months at local tech. He tried but failed.

My attempts to contact Krell without any success. Phone calls go nowhere, emails not responding. 
Im in NJ, anyone has any suggestions. 
For now I’m using Rotel 1570 integrated. 
Just bought amplifier PS 250BHK signature, maybe will give up K

rells all together if I like new amp. Just need to add another preamp.

Any piece of advice, recommendations appreciated very much.


@stringreen I didn't know Krell had a place in Arizona, I thought they were only in Connecticut. 

Have your tech search on DIY Audio forum.  There are many Krell experienced techs there.

Thank you audiophile friends. 
Is switching to PS 250BHK a sensible move?

 Don’t have working preamp yet to listen to new amp.

 I’m sure someone on board has solid experience and opinions in Krell and PS

 thank you very much 

You could contact some place like Audio Classics to see if that's something they could repair.  They're not too far from NJ.

The service department in Connecticut, can fix your amplifier, the owner was the head tech at Krell for many years. His name is Steve Leckrone and is one of the best Krell techs in the country.