Trends in value of vintage / used audio equipment?

Hello, folks. I wonder if there is any objective data to show trends in the value of vintage and used audio equipment (high-end or otherwise)? Does Audiogon crunch their Blue Book numbers to extrapolate any mobility in prices, up or down? Do people see prices stable or rising/falling for equipment? Thanks!

Ag insider logo xs@2xbraitman

I am happy to pass judgement on thecarpathian for no reason, I am happy to even just make one up! devil


The bids on old Yamaha, Denon and Marantz, Pioneer, Onkyo, Technics, Adcom amps and receivers are going through the roof on shopgoodwill - meaning well above ebay prices. 2-800 bucks. Sansui and Nakamichi are another category, they sell for way higher.

Which makes me think they are not reselling them, necessarily. I think they are worth those bids but they are no longer great deals. 

There are a fair amount of newer gear, Peach Audio, NAD, Rotel, Emotiva that sell for less than their ebay values. 

Not sure if it's a trend. But e.g. a decent Denon receiver for 300 bucks is fun toy, will drive any speaker and easy entry into hifi. 

I am absolutely disturbed by all the youtube videos of warehouses full of vintage hifi gear. They should be used and enjoyed by would-be audiophiles. 


Meters are definitely a selling feature.

How much would the sales of McIntosh decline if they ditched the meters and black glass. 50%?

PS. This may seem like a bit of a dig at McIntosh, but is more a comment on successful marketing campaigns.

How 'bout a Mac in pink to appeal to the Barbie crowd ?

Oh, Puleze......😬

I've had meters, LCD displays, all that....Mho, I like the R/T displays on my beyond one's wildest deviations.... ;)

...subject was 'sposed to be 'vintage appreciation v. $'d....

(...and there's those who say I'm not focused....*sly sheesh* )

I’ve got blue meters, and it’s not a Mac. Best of both worlds.

kidding…I have nothing against Macs:)