RB, to the question contained in your last paragraph, my current opinion, open to change if presented with contrary data (not a “belief”), is based on my data, the testimony of another Forum member who’s done the experiment many times before me with his own meter, and on the Shure Corporation white paper. You can buy a decent ES meter on eBay for less than $200. Why don’t you buy a meter, make some measurements, and then we can discuss. Don’t come to me with “Google AI” and no actual data or a reference to someone else’s actual data that is publicly available. The concept that the diamond on vinyl causes static charge is repeated over and over again in advertising for anti static devices, in audio forums like this one, etc. So it does not surprise me that Google AI believes it. I insulted you earlier,so I’ll forgive you for insulting me. If you want to go into detail about ES force vs gravity force, probably that would bore everyone else. But it’s not relevant.
Wyoboy, sorry I over-reacted.