The Degritter Mark II provides a lot the HumminGuru does not. The most attractive to me is the Degritter's ultrasonic frequency of 120kHz compared to the HumminGurus's 40kHz. 120kHz produces much smaller exploding bubbles compared to those produced at 40kHz (the smaller bubbles reach deeper into the record's groove). The ultrasonic cavitation is produced by four very powerful side-mounted transducers that create 300 watts of pulse code cleaning action. The Degitter's water filtration and drying systems are more advanced than those of the HumminGuru's too.
But those features come at a cost. Everyone would love to have a Degritter, but not everyone wants to spend $3300 ($3300 will buy a lot of LP's!), or is able to. Most everyone can afford the $400 HumminGuru, and it provides good US cleaning for that price. And for $200 you can get an US cleaner with record "spinner" from several sources. Considering a Discwasher now retails for around half that price, I'd say a $200 US machine is a great deal!