Ive never understood those who stand by specs and data sheets devoutly, with due condsideration to amp & speaker matching of course, over the info their own eyes and ears provide them. To each their own I suppose.
As substantive as may be the info gleaned from critical measurements can imply or even dictate now and then, the only capacities which peak my own interest are size, weight, color choices, and cost, predominately, with the possible exception of a troublesome impeadance load a loud speaker set may abide.
Certainly for a source item, its representation of the recording is paramount.
Doubtless no one will buy an item which reads great but performs poorly . Or at any length they wont own it for long. Remarkable specs are fodder for forums and the occasional chest beating.
My hat is off to those pieces which yield excellent specs . But my wallet is out to those who offer greater performance. The only pair of items which will draw the wallet out quicker would be those which possessed both great performance and great value . And naturally, the fact Im in the market for such a thing.