In my opinionRick is correct. So what is good music? You need to be able to write a song that will tell a story, play an insturment(s) to convey the message, have the music well recorded, mixed and mastered. If you think that you can sit at laptop with a variety of plug in's and make a decent song / recording, it's not going to happen. The music will always be artificial and without any soul. If you're lucky, you have had some music training including songwriting. If not you will be lost.
I don't stream because it doesn't sound as good as hard media and the artists get ripped off. My brother has a real recording studio and we can count on one hand how many "musicians" have had the perequisites listed above to be successful. When they do, you do a proper microphone setup and let them play. It's a pleasure to record them instead of a painful process in ProTools of cuting and pasting segments together because they don't know how to play their insturuments or sing with a crappy song.