Thinking about buying new Grado Headphones

Hi. Looking for advice. I’ve been using Grado SR 225 headphones forever. Thinking about an upgrade I’ll be using Bryston BP-19 to feed Bryston BHA-1. Music source is Bryston BCD-3 or Rega P5 TT. Max spend is approx $2000.


Buy them from some place you can return easily for a full refund if needed. The newest Grado headphones actually sound real nice to my ears, and I'm someone who hasn't like a lot of the Grado designs over the past decade or more. But I will freely admit that Grados aren't as comfortable as many other headphones, and the sound is sort of polarizing. 

V-fi. Thanks for the advice.  Haven’t done anything yet.  Will probably go direct to Grado run store on-line to buy. Thinking about GS3000x or GS1000x. Their new HP model is a little out of my price range.  Othe two are a stretch!  And I’m also dealing tinnitus and wonder if it’s really worth the $$$$. But that’s another issue

Why not invest in addressing tinnitus with a qualified professional?  Moderately priced headphones will sound good, as a result.  This my experience with Grado SR125 and Widex 440 hearing aids.