Tone Arm Lifter



I have a new table and wonder if some here have installed a tonearm lifter, and if so, which did they find fit well and worked best?  My table is a Technics SL-1300G.


Thanks for any input.



1300G looks like it may be the one I may consider for a reasonably priced DD.

I will be looking for your comments on performance.

The only thing I see concerning is the possibility of that short spindle not allowing for a reflex type clamp to flatten my(not so flat) gems?


This is what I use, not as pretty (and the name isn't nearly as cute) as the little fwend, but they do precisely the same thing:


Hi , They are great. very simple mechanisms. Easy to install, look quality in stainless steel. since they are a bit expensive and don't degrade with time, I would look for used one!  here is a link

I’ve been  using a Littlefwend with my SL1200-G for about 5 years.  Works great!