Would I be wasting my money to get a turntable?

I am thinking about getting a turntable but I have a Class D amplifier (Nad M33) which digitizes all the analog inputs. If the amplifier is just digitizing the source is there going to be any difference between the vinyl and just listening to lossless digital streaming sources? Is there any benefit to me, given my current amplifier with has no analog pass through capability, to adding a turntable to my system?


In class D amplifier "Voltage" is converted to "Duty Cycle", both analog - meaning there is no discrete steps (unlimited resolution). Duty cycle is back-converted to (amplified) voltage by filtering. Streaming and CDs both have limited resolution (16 bit in CDs).

What happens when your PWM’s oscillator signal frequency is not high enough? Who determines what frequency is "enough"? The resolution is not infinite unless the frequency is infinite (impossible). This is at least vaguely analogous to the sampling rate in digital quantization. Then you have the output filtering to smooth out artifacts from a finite frequency oscillator, and this is analogous to that phase of DA conversion.

@fritzenheimer “Would I be wasting my money to get a turntable?"

being audiophile IS about wasting money! :-) 

Sure! nice DD/heavy-BD TT with good cartridge is $$$$!

I see you are looking to replace M33 with.. I would recommend to look class A amp if you don’t need more than 40W output power, AB class SS amps with high bias are cool when you need to shake the3 walls! Tube amps, sound extremely “analog” and are more “analog” than SS brothers, but pl be prepared for high maintenance cost, tube replacement etc.