Mac MA 352 vs Pass INT-60

I've had an order in for the Mac MA 352 for 3 months and supposedly it's coming shortly.   I wanted the tube front end but now I've got an option since I no longer think I need a balance control and I just found a really good deal for a new Pass INT-60. I'm running these, hopefully, into KEF R7 Metas at 88 dB.  I figure the Pass is adequate into those 4 ohm speakers in my 25x14 space. I also figure the Pass has as much tube-like quality with likely a better high end than the Mac. If price is not a factor, what do you think?  The Pass is a beast, but I can deal with that, and my first real amp was a Threshold 400A.  I have some worry about current delays in Mac serviceability also.  :)


Go for the Int-60. With your speakers it will most likely rarely exit out of its 30W Class A bias. Pass is warm and luscious sounding and should be a nice match with the Kefs. 

I have an MA352 and I feel if you want the "tube" sound, then the Mac will deliver it more than the Pass.