Hey everybody,

Thought you might be interested in taking a look at the Stereo Times 2024 list of MOST WANTED COMPONENTS which was posted today. It contains both very reasonably priced and some uber-priced pieces of equipment.

Hope you enjoy, Teajay (Terry London)


I got to touch a QSA fuse, but, I did not get to hear them.  It is simply too risky to actually power up gear with that fuse in place.  A linestage came into the shop I frequent for repairs.  It had a QSA fuse in it, which was immediately removed for fear that whatever ails the linestage would take out the fuse.  But, the fuse is so crazy expensive ($5,000), there is no way to even try it out in other gear or even in the repaired linestage for fear of it actually working as it is supposed to work.  It makes no sense to have a situation where you are saying something like "thank goodness my power transformer blew up in time to spare the fuse."

There was a subwoofer in there for $199, had to check and make sure it wasn't $19,999. 

Really can't afford anything on that list, then "affordable" bulk speaker cable at $150 for 3ft, that is way over my budget. 

Not sure who that list is for a target. Someone using a $20k power cord has to have a massive budget.

Albedo Signature Metamorphosis Monocrystal Speaker cableS 2.5M ($32,500) 

Theoretica Applied Physics BACCH4Mac Pro Stereo Purifier ($8800 with room correction)



But, the fuse is so crazy expensive ($5,000), there is no way to even try it out in other gear or even in the repaired linestage for fear of it actually working as it is supposed to work. It makes no sense to have a situation where you are saying something like "thank goodness my power transformer blew up in time to spare the fuse."

They are trying to save $1000-2000 worth of repair by using a $5000 fuse? Yeah that makes no sense. At that point why not just remove the whole fuse holder and directly wire it with no fuse or fuse holder? Or are people going to say having a GSA fuse in a steel fuse holder sounds better than no fuse/fuse holder at all?