Would I be wasting my money to get a turntable?

I am thinking about getting a turntable but I have a Class D amplifier (Nad M33) which digitizes all the analog inputs. If the amplifier is just digitizing the source is there going to be any difference between the vinyl and just listening to lossless digital streaming sources? Is there any benefit to me, given my current amplifier with has no analog pass through capability, to adding a turntable to my system?


Hello Frit, your question is, should you get a turntable even though the signal will be going through a class “D” design. So it passes through digital.  1st thing you note, even thought the analog signal will pass through a digital format, you will still hear the difference of the sound of a turntable. Of course, if you could keep the signal 100% analog, that would be the best way but if it does pass through a digital format, you will still hear much of what the sound of a turntable does.  I think the biggest question to ask is if it’s worth getting a turntable setup. I owned some of the most desirable items in hifi and I have 2 vinyl setups. Do I really appreciate their sound? Yes I do. Do I listen to them a lot?  Not really because digital is faster and easier to get going. I would recommend to anyone that if they want to hear great music, they don’t need a turntable setup. But if someone is looking to expand their system and try to get even higher quality playback, then they could explore vinyl. But vinyl is also a totally different and very complex setup to get correct. 

The M33 is a nice piece of equipment.

Get a turntable if you want one, especially if you already have records or are interested in buying some. Playing and collecting records is fun. The cover art is fascinating and the liner notes are interesting (and big enough) to read. The sound will be fine (and probably improved by the digital trickery).

For your system I would recommend a Rega or Technics turntable (there are others that are just as good but this is a good starting place). The advantage to the Technics is the changeable head shell, allowing you to easily experiment with different cartridges.

Go for it!


Sorry for your loss. There is not much that compares to losing ones mother. I hope your new venture down the vinyl rabbit hole brings you the peace and closure you seek.

I agree with "grislybutter" BUT I would ammend that with at least $3,000.00 and definitely put more emphasis on fiddling or tweaking. It's definitely not a sit and press the remote thing.