“A complete unknown”

I didn’t see anyone write about this so I thought I would ask others if you had seen the movie, “A complete unknown ?” I have not seen any movies about Dylan and only had two of his albums many years ago but I thought the movie was good. It was well acted, with great performances of his music and surprisingly educational. Can’t say I am a Dylan fan but the movie was moving and made me want to explore his music more thoroughly. Your thoughts?

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I saw the movie on New Years eve and totally loved it Timothy Chalamet is amazing as Dylan and the movie is very well paced and entertaining.

I saw it this week and thoroughly enjoyed it. I am a Dylan fan, but I think that others would enjoy it. An insightful snapshot of a rapidly changing world. 

We saw it on Christmas Day, and loved it. Go see it, and you won't be disappointed. Or, wait till it comes out on cable. In any case, you will like it!