@Deep33. You are clearly a savant when it comes to electronics. But maybe you are unfamiliar with the old saying "sacasm will get you nowhere". Best regards, Y
Hi Audiogoners!
I need a new power amp to my Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation (18 watts minimum recommended input power / 8 ohm).
Have a Mark Levinson No.532 that keeps broking down and it's getting too expensive to fix in Europe.
Music: Classical/symphonic and jazz.
Room: 13 x 26
Preamp: Auralic DAC/Pre (but this can change....)
Ideas so far:
Pass Labs XA-25 (hype or really good and powerful enough?)
Accuphase A-48 (too polite?)
If you have a minute....I need ideas in that price range...+/- $$. Thanks!
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- 118 posts total
@yoyoyaya I can understand conventional electronics designed in the regular world of engineering, i.e. the non audio electronics because the "sonic attributes" of circuits is never taught in engineering at any level (masters, phd whatever), never presented in any coursework or even remotely considered in the non-audio world. But, it is a very real thing. It is a unique form of empirical information that is acquired by audio companies and held close (in-house secrets). Some sound master guy has to sit and listen forever to every li'l change and painstakingly derive such information. I claim full ignorance to all of it... So, If you know something, enlighten me, i'm all ears. How is Nelson Pass playing on a different league than Rotel or Yamaha or all these other guys? If a design space has say 20 possible permutations, a company with more resources may be able to explore more of them..A smaller company may be able to explore a few of them, etc. What are these "leagues" based on?
@Deep33 - what I actually commented on was build quality. I've seen a number of failures of Michi products versus superb reliability of Pass. The fit and finish of the Pass's is better than the Michis. That matters to some, less so to others. As regards design, I have frequently found that products which have a consistent design approach which is refined over many years end up sounding better than those whose designs chop and change frequently. That's just my observation. Again, others may differ. |
@Deep333 There are about 40 videos on utube of Nelson Pass discussing amplifier designs. He's very generous with information and one of the kindest humans. If you're interested, a good place to start would be interviews by Steve Guttenberg and Pass. If you dig a little deeper you'll find some videos of Pass doing design seminars with the DIY community. I thought these seminars were very interesting and I learned some things about various transistors, use of feedback, input stages, output stages, and lots of nerdy subjects. |
@southofdallas There are class D amps out there now that are every bit as musical as the amps in your original post. Less heat too, and less cost as well. |
- 118 posts total