Perhaps I responded to harshly, but I just wanted us to stick to the point of the forum. If you're ever in the St. Louis area, bring your dac over and I'd be happy to let you listen to it compared to mine. Most people who own the fully modded bidat would be eager to show up for a dac shoot out in their respective neighborhoods. Personally, I'm always open to hearing anything that can "best" it at a comparable price. I have no brand loyalty when it comes to the absolute sound. The problem is that many people simply don't want to have their own assumptions about equipment challenged or even questioned. There may well be a better $2000 dac on the market. I simply haven't heard it yet. There are certainly some $5000 dacs that aren't as good because I've heard them in my own home.
One reason I've appreciated this forum is that someone has taken the time to actually LISTEN to gear and compare opposed to the typical "theoretical" discussions in which people talk about what they've "heard" others "say."
Perhaps I responded to harshly, but I just wanted us to stick to the point of the forum. If you're ever in the St. Louis area, bring your dac over and I'd be happy to let you listen to it compared to mine. Most people who own the fully modded bidat would be eager to show up for a dac shoot out in their respective neighborhoods. Personally, I'm always open to hearing anything that can "best" it at a comparable price. I have no brand loyalty when it comes to the absolute sound. The problem is that many people simply don't want to have their own assumptions about equipment challenged or even questioned. There may well be a better $2000 dac on the market. I simply haven't heard it yet. There are certainly some $5000 dacs that aren't as good because I've heard them in my own home.
One reason I've appreciated this forum is that someone has taken the time to actually LISTEN to gear and compare opposed to the typical "theoretical" discussions in which people talk about what they've "heard" others "say."