Bidat vs Perfect Wave vs Weiss and others

This is thread I started a while ago and promised in February i would start doing some real world comparative testing using the Bidat (Plus Mod) as the ref. The units under test are to include in no specific order the MSB Platinum Dac, the Weiss Minervera and the Playback Design player. I posted this under the follow-up of the original thread and it is there is you do a search under Digital for "ps audio perfect". I can't understand why it did not 'promote' to the top of the digital section as it did in the past whenever there was a new contribution, so I have started a new related thread with the first entry of my fun (and I hope edifying comparative experiences).

Ok, I just got a broken in Weiss Minerva (several hundred hours at least). It has been in my system burning in for about 18 hours (18 hours since arriving in my home, time to come to thermal equilibrium). I have done some comparative listening to the Museatex Dcc-1 (a rarely known digital preamp 19 bit dual differential type) using glass Tos on both and then glass on the DCC1 vs a very expensive (can't name it yet as the manufacturer has not released it...sorry :( ) Firewire on the Weiss. I have a Mac Mini (2007 model) 2.0 ghz Core2Duo with 4Gig of ram running Leopard (although this model can only see 3.01 gig of that (I used 4gig as the memory transfer is optimized when the mem modules are the same). I also have a 1TB NAS (all over wifi). I am of course going to reserve final judement until a bit later.

I will be comparing the Museatex Bidat with the Plus Mod later this weekend. As a teaser, I will go on record and say that honestly at this point I don't agree with the stellar reviews concerning the Weiss Minerva.

It is resolute, almost technicolor but just to give you a short glimpse of what I am hearing, I could imagine a well healed vinyl person listening to Holly Cole on vinyl and then listening to the Weiss (playing the same in CD format) and saying "this is why I will never leave vinyl". Now that may sound harsh, but this is a hobby and I don't have a dog in the race, I am just reporting my ears findings.

I listened to a few high resolution files 176.4/24 and 96/24 but what I heard was a really clear highly resolved soul-less rendition of the music. It never ever made me smile or relax into the music the way the DCC-1/Bidat or even my former (when I actually spun cd' time flies) stellar Dynavox Dynastation 2 (the finest CD player I have ever heard).

In a nutshell (at this point) it just sounds like digital and that aint good in my camp because I am not forgetting about the gear and just listening to the music. I don't like syrupy or dark, I have heard plenty of players try to use that trick to sound musical. No, I look for something that is more elusive and few their be that find that magical combination when forging through the nether regions of the digital domain. I will continue listening to see if the Weiss surprises me :)

More to come...
Yes, i (wrongly :) assumed people would realize when i mentioned the bridge that I used cat 5 or 6 cabling. Also I do remember that I briefly used the Tos on the PWD..., was not impressed, the bridge was slightly better :)

Now I did have the transport at my diposal for a short time and I used it with a silnote coax and a synergistic research balnced as well as the top of the line ps audio HDMI cable. It was.., ok. I think the HDMI was a bit more detailed but the XLR was a little fuller.

I did not mention this as I did that testing in my uncles system and NOT directly against the MSB :)

Again, not knocking anything, just saying that for my ears, i heard nothing that would caus me to desire this unit. I did install the eLyric software.., so I certainly tried to give it a fair shake.

The transport is really really nice and I personally ( don't laugh) like it more than the $16k MBL 1611 that it replaced in my uncles system :)
i'll just reiterate how vital the hdmi connection is for the pwt/pwd combo. i will agree with Audiofun that without the hdmi, the combo is just "good". the "right" hdmi cable is a must if one expects the psa gear to compete with these big dogs imho.

will also chime in regarding the pwd/bridge combo. although i use it 80% of the time, the pwt/pwd combo still sounds better to my ears, in my system. more layers, more depth, better imaging and above all....more like live music. this coupled with the rather inconsistent sound quality of various firmware updates make me think the pwd didn't put it's best foot forward for your comparison. no doubt it's a long shot but the psa might have been in the same league if it was operating at 100%. however...same league and sounding as good are two different things.

regardless...this thread has been very enjoyable. some great info here and your time/effort is much appreciated. trying to do a comparison like this with all parties tweaked to perfection would be near impossible. it took me 6 months to get my pwt/pwd hitting on all cylinders. expecting this to be done for a comparison is a stretch to say the least.

thanks again

Thanks Lev:). I appreciate all you guys for appreciating the spirit of fun with which I started on this journey. As I stated before, this is just one mans opinion on a bunch of gear :) they're toys and it's fun to play with all this stuff!
I completely respect audiofun's observations and enjoy the thread as well. One final comment on the HDMI cable as it relates to the PW DAC. Many people are not satisfied with PS Audio's HDMI cable because, in their opinion, it over emphasizes the DACs upper register,a making it sound somewhat harsh. I agree and find the Harmonic Twch Audio Only HDMI to be the perfect match. Several leading dealers recommend it as well.
no doubt Vhiner...i agree 100%. when i took my pwt/pwd to a friends house last year, my psa I2S-AC12 sounded a bit harsh with his krell amps. he had a $25 monster hdmi laying around that we tried and it sounded better.

hdmi is no different then any other connector imho. gotta find the "right one" that works with your gear.