i'll just reiterate how vital the hdmi connection is for the pwt/pwd combo. i will agree with Audiofun that without the hdmi, the combo is just "good". the "right" hdmi cable is a must if one expects the psa gear to compete with these big dogs imho.
will also chime in regarding the pwd/bridge combo. although i use it 80% of the time, the pwt/pwd combo still sounds better to my ears, in my system. more layers, more depth, better imaging and above all....more like live music. this coupled with the rather inconsistent sound quality of various firmware updates make me think the pwd didn't put it's best foot forward for your comparison. no doubt it's a long shot but the psa might have been in the same league if it was operating at 100%. however...same league and sounding as good are two different things.
regardless...this thread has been very enjoyable. some great info here and your time/effort is much appreciated. trying to do a comparison like this with all parties tweaked to perfection would be near impossible. it took me 6 months to get my pwt/pwd hitting on all cylinders. expecting this to be done for a comparison is a stretch to say the least.
thanks again
will also chime in regarding the pwd/bridge combo. although i use it 80% of the time, the pwt/pwd combo still sounds better to my ears, in my system. more layers, more depth, better imaging and above all....more like live music. this coupled with the rather inconsistent sound quality of various firmware updates make me think the pwd didn't put it's best foot forward for your comparison. no doubt it's a long shot but the psa might have been in the same league if it was operating at 100%. however...same league and sounding as good are two different things.
regardless...this thread has been very enjoyable. some great info here and your time/effort is much appreciated. trying to do a comparison like this with all parties tweaked to perfection would be near impossible. it took me 6 months to get my pwt/pwd hitting on all cylinders. expecting this to be done for a comparison is a stretch to say the least.
thanks again