@lloydc Unless you have heard his system its very irresponsible to claim "minimal" improvements. An example of this was a SF Amati G5 paired with 2 Atoll AM 400/PR 400 and the results were disappointing at best. A McIntosh MA 12000 was substituted and the Amati came to life. My point is you can't minimize the importance of 1 component or cable change in a HEA system.
New Amp Advice
I'm considering replacing my amp in what I hope will be the last major upgrade for a long while. My current system is Roon Nucleus, dcs Bartok, Octave Jubilee preamp, Michi S5 amp, Sonus Faber Il Cremonese speakers, Audioquest Niagra 3000 power conditioner, Nordost Heimdall 2 cables, Clearaudio DC performance TT with Ortofon Cadenza bronze cart, Simaudio 610 LP phono stage. Room has been treated and is approximately app. 21x30. About 80% streaming from Qobuz or Tidal-the rest vinyl.
I like the performance of my system and spend at least a few hours every night listening. Made the very wise decision a few years ago to replace all the time I spent watching cable news with music. Varied taste in music-jazz, blues, R&B, country, old time rock, no rap, electronic and very little classical.
Logically, the Michi is the weak link but I think it performs at a very high level for its price, is extremely well built, and has plenty of power. Hard to describe specific improvements I'm looking for, maybe wider soundstage and better imaging.
I prefer to buy new and prefer hybrid or SS-ambivalent about the tube sound and, honestly, intimidated by the potential maintenance issues-I'm old and inept. My budget is approximately up to 40-45k, maybe a bit more or less depending on how smitten I am, but obviously happy to spend less. Exploring possibilities but only willing to make the investment if it produces a significant improvement. I've heard a couple of Macs-prefer what I have now-and the new Simaudio North 761-I like Sim products but honestly couldn't hear a significant improvement in my system.
I know I need to audition potential replacements so just trying to get a reasonable list of candidates. So far, considering Accuphase A-300, Audionet Maxx (intrigued by the soon to be released Schrodinger) Boulder 1161 (probably should wait for the new 1162 or 1163), Burmester 216, Bricasti M32, T+A 3000HV, Constellation Revelation Series 2 and Dan D'Ag s250-its a long list I need to narrow. The Dan, Constellation, Boulder and T+A are available at dealers within an hour or two-the others I'd have to travel to hear. Looking for a relatively neutral sound, I suppose, but sometimes I think, to paraphrase what Justice Potter Stewart said about pornography, you know it (the sound) when you hear it. This will be my last shot for a long while, that's what my financial advisor says, so I need to hit the target.
A long intro, but trying to anticipate questions any of you might raise. Thanks in advance for your thoughts- I respect the enormous wealth of knowledge on this forum.
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- 52 posts total
I am curious of what an amp for 50K can do better than an amp for e.g., 5K. In a limited/smallish space. I always want to learn, even with my limited cognitive skills. I kind of understand why a Ferrari is 10 times the price of a Hyundai. (And I am on the market for an amp for a fraction of 5K, any info is somewhat relevant) |
Speaker placement and listening chair placement have much influence over soundstage and imaging. It can take weeks of trial & error - moving by inches to get it right. If you’re not satisfied with the dynamics, tone & timbre, that’s something else. My modest system jumped a few levels when I converted over to a later generation of Synergistic Research cabling. It all began with this review. Good luck! Enjoy the journey! |
What an amazing system you have. I can almost hear it. Obviously this has taken an incredible amount of time and effort to assemble. I’m an old guy as well. I stayed away from tubed amplifiers for forty years for the same reasons you state. Wow, what an incredible mistake that has been for me. When Audio Research offered an Auto biasing and soft start amp I instantly took the plunge. From that moment forward there was no going back. As you age I think experience allows you to appreciate the more nuanced and subtle aspects of life... and of course music. While I was really excited by a powerful kick drum or loud guitar solo as a young adult, I now get the subtitles of great performances and venues. After attending the symphony for over ten years in the seventh row center seats... the Audio Research amp changed my system from a sound spectacular to sounding like real music. Completely changed the character to sound natural and musical. There is a known synergy between Sonus Faber speakers... which I have and Audio Research. Given your budget you owe your self a trial. Find yourself a ARC dealer and have them bring over a set of Reference 160m mono blocks. They should set them up and leave them at your house for a week or two. This is what my dealer did. I left my old Pass x300 sitting next to it so I could swap in and out to decide which I wanted. Within a minute I realized there would be no swapping... they would stay. The reputation of tube amps has outlasted its useful life. With auto biasing and soft start these are very reliable amps... know I have put well over 5,000 hours of time without any hiccups. If you are getting absent minded, as I find myself... don't worry after two hours without a signal, the amp turns itself off.
Life is too short to compromise. |
@zlone You have the $18k Audionet monoblocks? |
- 52 posts total