Replace tubes yearly?

I just watched a Paul McGowan video (PS Audio) about the wisdom of leaving your gear powered on all the time. I get that. He also said that vacuum tube gear is the exception and not to leave it on all the time. I get that too.

But he also mentioned that it didn’t make a huge difference since you probably should replace your tubes every year.

Is that true? I have an Audio Research LS-16 tube preamp from the late 90s or early 2000s. I don’t think the tubes have ever been changed. I’m not really a ’tube’ guy but this unit was given to me 6 or 8 years ago. As far as I know these tubes are original.

At one point I got curious about the different sound quality potential of different tubes and another Audiogon member lent me a set of tubes to try out. I could definitely tell a difference but did not think the new ones sounded better than the original ones. I mention this because at that time the original tubes were quite old and still sounded quite good. And still do.

So, bottom line is, is there any real need to replace tubes on a schedule of some sort. Maybe its different if it is an amp versus a pre-amp?



That they have input tubes that require yearly replacement should be a good reason NOT to buy that gear.  Clearly, they don’t know how to implement tubes in their design.

Some folks rush to opine, some rush to smear, some rush to offer conspiracy theories, but no one rushes to go back to what Paul actually said.  I had watched the YouTube video before reading this post and what the OP reported is not quite what Paul said.

Go to the 56 second mark of the YouTube video and listen to what Paul actually said ... and judge for yourself.

The question being answered was on keeping your equipment on all the time or not.  Paul offered technical explanations as to why to keep equipment on all the time for SS, but not so for tubes.  No big surprise here.   Paul went on further to say that this should not represent that big a deal for tube owners, since tube replacement goes with owning tube equipment and he replaces his tubes every year.  

For all you know, Paul drives his equipment hard every year and needs to replace the tubes.  It may have just been conversational or an off the cuff remark.  Certainly did not come off as 'must follow' advice.

There you have it sports fans.  It's so easy to verify things like this, before going off.




When I was listening to my stereo 6 hours a day, I replaced my tubes annually. Could I hear a difference? Yes. Sharper, punchier sound, would get softer with time. Then, good tubes became harder to get, and I played the equipment less. So now I retube like once every 5 years (or roll for experiments). Probably wasteful experience before, as those tubes (like Amperex, Telefunken 12AX7) are unobtanium now. 

@rar1 Paul has said to replace tubes every year in past videos, in fact Kevin from upscale Audio even made a video opposing what Paul has said.

I moved away from tubes years ago and now only solid state.  It’s whatever you prefer for equipment in my opinion.  Anyway, I usually leave my equipment on since it goes into a low power state after a certain period of nonuse.  I do find that turning it off and then back on occasionally is warranted, just like rebooting a computer which a lot of equipment is to some degree now.