My Cornwall 4’s are set up in such a way that they can be very accurately positioned especially as to complimentary angling. One listening night recently I was startled to hear a somewhat different and dare I say superior sound emanating from them. I wondered if some of my recent tweaks had suddenly "broken in" fully. It wasn’t until a few days later that I realized our Friday house maid had moved one of the speakers while cleaning. It’s very easy to move them angularly though they remain rooted to the floor at their mirrored pivot points. My listening/living room has some unfortunate furniture placements that are essentially non-adjustable. The speaker that was accidentally toed out more was dealing with an upright piano on its sidewall. That speaker had been accidentally turned outwards a bit towards the offending piano. The result was a slightly airier sound presentation that was very pleasing and a somewhat wider soundstage.
Anyone else here experimented with asymmetric speaker toe-in?