Any regrets in selling gear?

By its nature, our hobby/passion for gear encourages buying and selling gear, hoping to land on a final purchase, that point of satisfaction where you can sit back and just enjoy the music without any niggling issues about there mechanics of it all.

That said, is there any gear that you came to regret selling? 


I have made up my mind that I want to sell my Oppo UDP-205 soon. Not sure if I will regret later. I have not spun a single disc since July-2020. But you never know how regret strikes.


Oppo……the opportunity to keep!

Speaking here from the UK.

Oppo in the UK was branded Cambridge Audio and they have stopped selling now. They were badged Oppo units. They fetch really good money over here with the CA 752BD being the last of the bunch equal to the Oppo 105.

Universal players will be hard to find soon and all that functionality will be missed…..

Did you ever consider about using yours as a streamer?  An avenue some users in the UK have not even thought of. And that onboard DAC is so good.

Best wishes.