
Hi Audiogoners!

I need a new power amp to my Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation (18 watts minimum recommended input power / 8 ohm).

Have a Mark Levinson No.532 that keeps broking down and it's getting too expensive to fix in Europe. 

Music: Classical/symphonic and jazz.

Room: 13 x 26

Preamp: Auralic DAC/Pre (but this can change....)

Ideas so far:

Pass Labs XA-25 (hype or really good and powerful enough?)

Accuphase A-48 (too polite?)

If you have a minute....I need ideas in that price range...+/- $$. Thanks!



+++++ for Accuphase  I have an A48 and its power and finesse is terrific !  Well built, wonderful sonics, superb reliability and LOVE those VU meters !  

I have not heard either the Accuphase or the XA-25, but I have a Pass 250.8 in my system and I think that it is a great and powerful amp that drives my Wilson Sabrina X's perfectly.  Paired with a good tube pre (I have an ARC REF 6), its a great combo.

@southofdallas  I have Charney Audio MaestroX speakers with AER-BD3B single drivers.  The drivers are very revealing and the Accuphase gets everything right.