
Hi Audiogoners!

I need a new power amp to my Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation (18 watts minimum recommended input power / 8 ohm).

Have a Mark Levinson No.532 that keeps broking down and it's getting too expensive to fix in Europe. 

Music: Classical/symphonic and jazz.

Room: 13 x 26

Preamp: Auralic DAC/Pre (but this can change....)

Ideas so far:

Pass Labs XA-25 (hype or really good and powerful enough?)

Accuphase A-48 (too polite?)

If you have a minute....I need ideas in that price range...+/- $$. Thanks!



+++++ for Accuphase  I have an A48 and its power and finesse is terrific !  Well built, wonderful sonics, superb reliability and LOVE those VU meters !  

I have not heard either the Accuphase or the XA-25, but I have a Pass 250.8 in my system and I think that it is a great and powerful amp that drives my Wilson Sabrina X's perfectly.  Paired with a good tube pre (I have an ARC REF 6), its a great combo.

@southofdallas  I have Charney Audio MaestroX speakers with AER-BD3B single drivers.  The drivers are very revealing and the Accuphase gets everything right.  

The Parasound JC5 amp is quite neutral and has far more power than you'll ever need. Great sound, and it can absolutely drive your speakers. It's said that it would cost twice it's price had they built them in the US.