
Hi Audiogoners!

I need a new power amp to my Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation (18 watts minimum recommended input power / 8 ohm).

Have a Mark Levinson No.532 that keeps broking down and it's getting too expensive to fix in Europe. 

Music: Classical/symphonic and jazz.

Room: 13 x 26

Preamp: Auralic DAC/Pre (but this can change....)

Ideas so far:

Pass Labs XA-25 (hype or really good and powerful enough?)

Accuphase A-48 (too polite?)

If you have a minute....I need ideas in that price range...+/- $$. Thanks!



The Parasound JC5 amp is quite neutral and has far more power than you'll ever need. Great sound, and it can absolutely drive your speakers. It's said that it would cost twice it's price had they built them in the US.

I have owned two examples of the XA25 and tried them with 5 different speakers. In a medium/large room, I concluded the Pass really need be paired with speakers of a true 90dB sensitivity at minimum. The XA25 is one of those amps that sounds great at most listening levels but for those times you want to push it, there isn’t much headroom. The compression kicks in quite suddenly.

An amp I recently acquired that sounds very similar but with much better headroom is the Ayre V-5XE. You might come across reports that this amp is “light in the bass,” but that hasn’t been my experience. I suspect those anecdotes might have arose from a speaker being wired out of phase, which is an easy mistake to make with the mirrored configuration of their binding posts. It is not a bass monster like some Parasound amps, but it’s certainly no lighter in the bass than the XA25.

All that said, I disagree that the Pass sound is so “unique” that it must be auditioned first, especially with the XA25. If operated well within its limits, with efficient speakers, the XA25 produces end-game sound quality and engagement. 

I owned Pass, Accuphase, and Audio Research amplifiers and finally settled for the  Ypsilon Phaethon.

These are stellar sounding (harmonious, well defined and capable) amplifiers and their after sales device is incredibly good.

The amp has a discrete volume control with (I believe) 1bB steps.  I am perfectly happy with that, but this is a point of consideration. I own the “normal” version of the Phaethon whith a new price of around €. 18.000,-. 

I am confident the you will not regret trying one of these beauties before you make a final decision.