Does You Subwoofer Settings ??

Do most find that subwoofer settings are not perfect for every song you play ??

Last year went to a SVS SB16 Sub and 95 percent of songs it sounds beautiful.

But other songs has boomy sound and I have tinnitus and guess at times think it may be my hearing ...

But at times would like to get a professional in that understands all the adjustments the SVS has that I do not understand..

Do others have this issue or is it that Subs can not be adjusted for every song that is played and the way it was recorded causes this at times ???

Tried to correct title  Your Subwoofer Settings !!!

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You have some very nice gear. I bet it sounds wonderful. 

What are a couple of songs that are boomy? I'd like to try playing them and see if they are boomy on my system. 

Nice gear ... I would love to listen!


Does your streamer permit setting EQ for the five percent of songs that sound fat?


95% is pretty good  ... 

I find that some music has more bass than others. I usually just enjoy as is. However my B&W sub has an app and I can make all adjustment from my listening position. I also have a schitt Loki max eq. It has remote control so again I can make all adjustments from my listen position. 

The SVS can be adjusted while sitting and my Tidal streaming has no adjustment at computer..I have been just deleting songs that have to much boom for their is so much music to listen to ...and always looking for something new ...

One of the songs that had boom was Peter White Swept Away album version..

And I am very blessed to have the equipment I have and still be able to hear detail in songs I never heard from  solid state amp I have had..

I guess with tinnitus my hearing is so sensitive that probably more reason that it bothers me...Few song I use for testing are Kool & the gang Summer Madness and this at points really hurts my hearing and the other song I use for Bass is Marian Hill called Down...Fourplay and Chant and Fleetwood Mac Warm Ways..