The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.

GR Research gave a breakdown of these & I was surprised..

Owner looking to make them sound better.



Oh and I see Merlin mentioned. Judd from Joule modified his personal Merlin speakers ever so slightly. I believe to tame the tweeter a bit. Compare the retail prices on the Wilsons vs the Merlins. I think it fair to expect less compromises (design flaws) with the Merlins.

I owned WATTS back in 1986 and through until Series 4. And then Puppies when they came out in 1988. I'm not sure what is "wrong" about them sonically, if one has heard them - and owned them - at length.

What's the "nightmare" aspect of the speakers? I must have missed it.

If a pac-man machine copulated with a traffic light

Has any person ever bought a pair of these horrors, or are they just decoys meant to make the $500K ones look sensible?


I have heard a predecessor. Absolutely the most incredible experience I have had in high end audio. Unbelievable holographic sound scape. If you have the money and like that kind of sound... simply amazing.