TAD Speakers

Just curious, is anyone out there using TAD Speakers? If so, what version, and could we get some impressions/opinions?

Thank you!



Ag insider logo xs@2xletitbe1306

letitbe, You can usefully read about a speaker only so much. As you said, they get reviewed frequently, but ultimately you have to listen to it, preferably in your own system (good luck with that), to know if it’s right for you.

There were a Compact Reference and an Evolution One that sold pretty quickly here on Audiogon recently. Good luck in your search.

I know quite a few months have passed since @letitbe1306  posted, but I’ll add that one of the most unique qualities of TAD, at least the reference series (I own CR1’s) is the amount of inner detail, that makes ordinary (but good) recordings sound like audiophile recordings. Bass is also very articulate, which is important for me.

I have augmented mine with Velodyne subs and Enigmacoustics super tweeter to widen the window of realism ever further. (After hearing Raidho speakers I felt like I wanted a little bit more sparkle, so added the super tweeters).

I’d say if you can find a used CR1, that’s the speaker I’d suggest. It’s also the speaker Andrew Jones has stated he’s most proud of (which I confirmed with him in person)

Current: TAD E1TX, Pioneer XY-3B (tad engg had its hands in the design of this PA horn)

Past: TAD Reference (OG version by A.Jones), Pioneer S-1EX by A.Jones


TAD Vs B&W 801, 803

TAD is more tonally balanced, coherent, easy to place/work with in suboptimal rooms. Holographic soundstage of TAD cannot be produced by b&w. TAD engineering may have figured out how to engineer a emotional response, figured out some esoteric sauce.


801 can feel more, dynamic,  latest rev exhibits some spatial qualities, quite intriguing. Guys who have exposure to spatial or object based audio (atmos, auro, etc) will catch this. I don't care for its skewed (for my tastes) tonal balance, but, it is their signature, not that they are incapable or lack the aptitude to engineer something else...which should have appeal for others... could be harder to work with in suboptimal rooms.

Listen to both and decide what appeals to you more. 


How did they compared to b&w 800 series speakers?