Canare 4s11 how good are they ?

I have seen comments herr and there, but I would like to ask some owners their experience eith the Canare 4s11 cables.
My system consists of Audible Illusion 3A pre. Belles Virtuoso amp. Bluesound streamer Lynn Lp12 Vandersteen 2Sig CE and kimber 12t 8'
Most Vandersteen dealers recommend Audioquest biwire like the Rocket 44. Recently, I have read good things about the Canares, which are considered budget, entry level, etc. Has anyone tried them with Vandys. What other speaker cables are a good match for the Vandys 8' $300 top.


I replaced the old Analysis-Plus Oval 9 with Canare.  Canare turned out to be much better in sound.

I have had my fair share of speaker cables over the years.  The most expensive being 2400.00 new, I haven't had any in the super expensive range as far as cables go, so I can't speak to that.  But I can say the Canare 4s11 works great in my current system, so good I see no need to upgrade or even look elsewhere.  

Whoa,lots of replies.  I'm going to look into canare.  Am I better off buying in bulk and then adding some nice spades or bananas myself or just go blue jeans or ebay?


Just some background, u have used bjc 10 gadgets Belden, signal cable silver resolution, clear day, tara, audioquest and my favorite were ap solo crystal oval 8's.


I have had canare recommended before this thread and it seems like that's the way I will go.


Thanks again for all the help.  I'm sure this has been talked about a bunch of times already but I still appreciate everyone's help.


Thanks!  Off to get some new speakers, and possibly stop by ps audio to hear some aspens!

At the time, I went with BJC due to their ultra sonic welding vs other offerings who soldered. I also really liked their locking banana plugs. Whether the ultra sonic welding has any significant impact on SQ, I simply don’t know. Nonetheless, I was intrigued when I had read about this years ago when attempting to make an informed decision with my limited knowledge.