Power Distribution - to separate source components from amplification?

I was wondering what the current thinking is on separating source/digital components from my pre/power amps.

At the moment, I have the Puritan Audio Labs PSM156 feeding everything; would it be beneficial to get another power distribution block and separate?


Streamer/network switch(LHY SW8)/DAC/DDC


Pre and power amp

Thanks guys




Every component in my system is plugged into the PSM156. I've tried amps into the wall or other devices and heard no advantage. Work for me anyways. Quiet power cables help quite a bit. I presently switched to SR power cables and found them to be the quietest I have ever used. Clarity and bass improved as well. YMMV

Ideally two direct lines, with all components plugged into the Puritan execept the amp. The amp plugged into the other direct line. Power amp should be plugged directly into the wall.

I’ve tried a couple of power conditioners made just for amps and they definitely got in the way and limited the amps dynamics.

I run a combination two channel / home theatre setup so I have all the two channel components, except the integrated amp, plugged into one power conditioner and all the HT plugged into another. The only things that are shared between the two systems are the HT bypass interconnects and the ethernet switch.