Air Tight 300B Flame Out

I was listening to my Air Tight 300B amplifier (fed by a Lamm LL2.1 Deluxe preamp and driving Charney Maestro speakers) starting making popping noises through the speakers. By the time I got to the amp to look, the right channel 300B tube was lit up brightly and smoking. Obviously, I turned the amp off right away.

The 300B tubes are the new issue from Western Electric with maybe 100 hours on them.

Any ideas on what may have happened, next steps, and anyone that can service Air Tight on the west coast? The Lamm preamp is a recent addition. Wondering if the preamp somehow caused the problem?



Sounds like a simple tube failure except smoking?   where was the smoke coming from?   did you put a new tube in and confirm the amp is good?  


Yeah your tube definitely went out that's a bummer luckily WE has a warranty program. And as Jerry says try another tube in that slot to confirm it was the tube not the amp. For Air Tight service try contacting the US importer Axiss: