Has anyone heard the new PS Audio Perfect Wave?

What are your thoughts on the new Perfectwave DAC and transport? I heard it and was pretty blown away. The one disappointment is you cannot play SACD's. The sound quality has me thinking of what the future of audio will sound like.
I love my PWD. I feel it totaly trumped the SACD sound (and redbook CD sound) of my MF Tri Vista SACD player.
hi srwooten: how many houurs did you put on the pwd (???&pwt) before critical listening ? perhaps i have misjudged these components. maybe i need more break-in time. i own ps audio's silver hdmi cable, but i prefere coax.

I'm still breaking-in my PWT. But after 200 hours - WOW - I'm floored. When I bought it, I got it for a second system, I certainly did not consider it an equal to the Accustic Arts Drive 1 in the main system -- well, the Accustic Arts is up for sell. This transport is a giant killer!
I've had it for about 5 months. I feel it took it about 2 months to mostly break in. I listen to it in Native mode with filter 1. I run it single ended into a Pass X-1 pre amp.

If you are not using the HDMI you are not letting the DAC do its IS2 thing(until the bridge is released), which is where this unit shines IMHO. Running it native (with no up-sampling or down-sampling) is also important. YMMV