Pass INT-25, split decision and maybe option?

I recently bought a used INT-25 to drive my PureAudioProject Trio15Classic. I have never been so torn by an amp as by this one! On one hand the details are addictive, but on the other hand, the details can be so distractive that I struggle to listen to the music. The INT-25 does do space really well and that’s definitely something I love and look for in an amp. I do miss some of the midrange magic and the warmth that a tube amp brings as well.


At this point, I’m not sure the INT-25 is going to stay. There’s so many things I love about it, but other things that distracts me from listening to the actual music.


I also miss some of the warmth that tubes bring. Is there such a thing as an integrated tube (or hybrid) that retains all the strength of the INT-25, but adds the midrange magic and warmth of the tube amp? Don’t mind if I lose some of the distracting details in the recording, but don’t want to give up too much of that. The PAP's do like a bit of power (the INT-25 is definitely sufficient), so low power SET's are not likely where I'd go.


Sorry bout dat.  Wouldn’t be the first time I was thinking ass backwards.  Still think it’s a gain problem though.

Let me throw in the Don Sachs Valhalla tube integrated as a possibility. I had the Linear Tube Audio z40+ integrated which is more expensive than the Valhalla and I thought the Valhalla was significantly better. It has about 33 watts per channel (you can use 6L6s, KT-66s, KT-77s or EL-34s and it is auto-biasing with a meter to check the bias of each power tube easily in front). It has one balanced set of inputs and a nice remote. I've had one for a few years and love it. It is lush, fast, detailed and adds detail and bass that my previous tube integrateds (the LTA and Rogers) couldn't match. 

I spoke to Lynn Olson at Pacific Audio Fest a few years ago who told me that the Valhalla, in his opinion, was as good as integrateds costing three times its price. Additionally, even though the Valhalla has 33 watts per channel, it easily drove 4 ohm speakers with 88db efficiency in the hotel room it was in.

For less than the cost of the 25 integrated just add a Schiit Freya + to the'll get more of everything (inputs, outputs, tubes, no tubes, etc.). I use an original Freya with mine (XA-25) and the resulting sound is killer. Gain a-plenty.

I recommend a Prima Luna tube integrated. It’s the easiest way to own tubes, and they sound amazing. You can roll tubes easily without worrying about biasing or flimsy tube sockets. You can choose the tubes that work best for your speakers. If you want the most functionality, go for a PL EVO 300 or 400 integrated. I have a little EVO 100 integrated in my second system, and I’m running a set of TungSol 6550’s to drive GoldenEar Triton 1’s. AMAZING midrange, clarity, and a soft, beautiful top end. The bass drivers in this speaker are powered, so I don’t need to tax the amp that much. Your speakers are pretty efficient, so a PL EVO 100 may be all you need. I love PrimaLuna. I have an EVO 400 pre-amp hooked up to Pass Labs XA 60.8’s in my main system, and I’m driving Dynaudio Confidence 20’s with a Dynaudio Sub 6. It sounds great! PL and Pass make an amazing combo, and I can listen to this system for hours and hours. No fatigue. By the way, I would recommend staying away from ARC products. I’ve had 5 of them, and they were all flimsy, noisy, and terribly overpriced. The best ARC product I had was an old VSi60; it was built like a tank. However, even this amp had a problem with the mute function. It was annoying. But I digress. Make it easy on yourself. Enjoy the music. Contact the folks at Upscale Audio, and they will get you all set. Cheers!