Would like to get more bass out of my B&W 801 series 2 speakers


I've been forum diving about ways people improve their music listening experience.   So many directions to choose from, I'm looking advice which will give the most bang for the buck given my situation.

Years ago I was visiting a friend who had these same exact speakers, and I went on a quest for my own pair.   His setup had a *more rich sound*, but he is no longer with us for me to pick his brain.   Don't know anything about how he was driving the speakers.

In general I think the current setup gives me good detailed sound, but probably a little thin in the bass.   Might be because of my listening levels (low to moderate).    I wouldn't call the mid/high frequencies warm, but they aren't harsh either...   which was a concern with the class D amp.   I'd characterize them as clean and detailed.  

What I'd really like to do is bring out the low frequencies to join the party.



massive, 32x40 with vaulted ceilings.    Lots of windows.

B&W 801 S2
- on the original casters
- crossovers modified via the common Van Alstine mod 
NAD C298 amplifier
- some decent biwire speaker cables
NAD C658 streaming DAC 
-  balanced xlr interconnects
Rotel CD player


What I listen to:
I listen to a wide assortment of music, this morning I went from classical to jazz...   but usually I listen to rock/blues/reggae.   You name it I listen to it.



Things I have considered:

- buy/build stands for the speakers.
- try out different amp(s)
        there are a pair of GFA555 series 1 available locally (bi-amp?) 
        lots of folks recommend the Classe delta line




Any advice is welcome, thanks in advance!



Simple solution: At  only 87db, your speakers are very low efficiency and hard to drive.  You need tons of power, with high damping factor amplification in order to bring out the best in your speakers, including the bass response.  Your current amp at approx. 185 wpc into 8 ohms simply doesn't cut it.  You're underpowering your speakers.  I suggest you replace your current amp with something that'll give you at least 300 wpc into 8 ohms.  Once you replace your current amp with something much more powerful, I guarantee, you'll hear miraculous improvements not only in your bass response, but also the overall slam and dynamic of your speakers, especially when listening at low to moderate volume levels.  Happy listening.         

Well, I have received lots of good ideas, thanks and keep the advice coming.

Acoustically this room is a mess, will be trying to figure out how I can improve it.

I am intrigued by the DBA method, wonder if four subs would be enough for my space.   


A friend is going to loan me a Crown XLS 1502 to see what 300wpc will do for me.

I plan to get the 801s up off the floor, get them some space from the wall, and close the curtains.



That’s a large room with a lot of volume. I’d add room treatment and an active subwoofer or two for an easy increase in bass output.

Bi-amping could help. A big SS amp on those woofers should bring some life to them, especially if you go next level and bypass the woofer’s passive low pass crossover and replace with an active crossover. Found some online specs that put the crossover frequency between the woofer and midbass at 380hz, so the woofers are handling the lower and middle vocal range. Letting the subwoofers handle below 60-80 hz will relieve the woofers of low bass duty, which should help clarity in the vocal range too.

FWIW I have 801 S2 Mk IIIs. Currently in a medium sized, treated room. Formerly in a very large room. I have used various amps in biamped configuration- Krell, Crown and Mac.Since new I made sturdy pedestal bases filled with sand that must weigh about 35 lbs. That puts the tweeter at ear height when sitting.


Bass has never been an issue. Even though I have a subwoofer (VMPS) for extreme bass,  I can switch it out on my pre amp and on most music I don’’t miss the sub- the 801’s are very adequate .

Right now run they with Mac 250/w amp (un biamped) and never sounded better.


As always, YMMV but the consensus opinion is that for these speakers, large current has always been recommended. Amps are easy to swap in and out- if you can borrow from a friend or dealer and experiment. Let us know 


OP said he listens at "low to moderate" levels. He has no need for more power. He has plenty.

Simply add one good sub. You can always add another but at these levels he probably doesn't need it. It's such a simple fix.