What are people using to upgrade from Channel D Pure Music to play from iTunes

I have been using Channel D Pure Music to stream my Redbook CDs from my Mac. I use Pure Music from Channel D and have been loving it, but it doesn't support 32-bit architecture and I need to find a replacement. Any suggestions? Has everyone moved to Tidal or Qobuz? I find that streaming a lossless Redbook CD through Pure Music sounds better than any streaming service. Love to hear some ideas.


Audirvana Studio has a Music Integrated Mode to access local files via Apple Music app

I have to go through my Mac to stream to my DAC, maybe that kills my quality.

That’s why I recommended getting a dedicated streamer so you can get your Mac out of the picture. 

Suggest an Innuos streamer.  Several choices depending on your budget including used ones.  Recommend Qobuz for your music.  I have a Zen Mk3 streaming Qobuz using the Sense app that Innuos has and it works great.