A small update..
I'm toying with the idea of buying used Lampizator Big 7 with volume control, so I could use it as a preamp. It's available right now on the market with pretty decent price... But there's also an offer for Lampizator GG1 without pre-amp, which obviously is more expensive. Huh.
I also scheduled for this week a visit in local audio shop. I'll try my speakers and cables agains different AMPs and try to figure it out which one works best. They offered me for example: Octave v80, Ayon Spirit and Ayon Crossfire (SET).
To sum up..
1) I could start with buying Lampi DAC with pre-amp.
2) Check what AMP is best for my speakers/cables
3) After buying Lampi, borrow one of AMP's and check it at home with speakers/cables/Lampi.
Alternatively. I could pay more for Lampi GG without pre-amp and start looking for integra instead of amp.
Any suggestions, please? :-)