ah… thank you…i had my subtlety detector set to low…. and often..my posts are self coaching… Best to you in music - i greatly enjoy your contributions her
No worries! I make plenty of mistakes in interpretation, here. I believe it’s unavoidable in a communication medium where we aren’t privy to so much of the information that would otherwise be available to us in a phone call, not to mention a face to face conversation. All we can do is try our best.
They need not be mutually exclusive....
Indeed not! And we need not stay in one place on the spectrum bookended by these extremes. I’m not an "adrenaline junky" but one of the main pay-offs that draw me to engage in my hobbies -- listening to music, playing guitar, creative writing -- is the access they offer to a state of "enhanced aliveness". However, it takes a significant amount of energy to sustain that state. I’m nearly 69 and don’t have the sort of endurance I once had. So, some of my time is spent in higher intensity mode and the rest in lower intensity mode.
I really had a "tongue in cheek" attitude when I initially posted this. Of course every individual has a personal answer but all are valid
Now I see that. At first, I assumed you were looking for some sort of in-depth philosophical debate. ;o)
And I agree that all answers are "valid’.