My Sonus Faber Amatis have weak bass even though I'm running ML 536s--800 w/ch into 4 ohms

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I thought the new monos would solve the problem. I still have to use subwoofers to feel like my system has any bass. I've tried speaker placement but to no avail. I realize it could be room issues, but short of packing my room pull of room treatment, there has to be something else. The drivers work, it just doesn't sound full. Should I get a different speaker? At this price, I expected more.


Are these speakers new?  How many hours do you have on them?  Sounds like they’re not broken in yet or as others mentioned maybe wired out of phase.  Did you get these new from a dealer?

Do you use Roon? The DSP should fix it unless there is something like a bass driver or drivers not working right.  

Making sure everything is wired properly to be in phase is important as mentioned.  

Roon DSP can invert phase as needed so easy to a/b compare. 

Do you have other amp ? If you do try it. Maybe something is wrong with the amp not speakers or speakers placement.

@torke - need more info

  1. What’s your audio chain electronics+speakers
  2. What’s the size of your room WxDXH?

Naim nd5 xs2

Nordost heimdall 2 rca

classe audio cp-800

Nordost Heimdall 2 xlr

mark levinson 536 monos

Nordost Heimdall 2 sp wire w Nordost jumpers

sonus faber Amati traditions

2x KEF KC62

AC - Tara labs and audio quest.