Thickest Power cord with Power distributor?

Hello everyone,

I have a question regarding the usage of power cord in my system.

Let's make it simple with fewer components.

I have an Ansuz C3 Power Distributor 

1 Zavfino Silver Dart power cord (thicker cable, small awg)

1 Ansuz P2 Power Cord (regular awg/thickness)

1 Integrated class A (about 400w consumption when in use.

In theory, where will you use the Zavfino cable? From wall to Power Distributor because of the higher current that can deliver to all the components?


Thanks 🙏 


Thanks all for the comments!

At the end I tried the 2 cables, from wall to Power Conditioner (Ansuz C3)... and the differences were very minimal.

I felt like the Zavfino was more powerful (higher volumes perceived) and a little bit smoother. Again...these might be just perceptions.

It’s really difficult to switch off all the components...change the Power Conditioner all the components again and compare.

So...I ended up keeping the Zavfino from wall and the Ansuz (P2) connected to the streamer.

The other test might be to swap the cables after one week or 10 days... but, do I really want to do that?

Probably not :)

Thanks for updating your impressions. So many a thread just gets left hangin'....


Do what sounds best, but the pragmatic approach is thickest gauge power cable into the power conditioner.


I see you live in Germany. Voltage is 230V I believe.

From what I have read Germany does not ground the electrical service like we do here in the U.S. Can you shed any light on how the electrical service is grounded in your area in Germany?

In the U.S. we connect, ground, the service entrance neutral conductor at a dwelling unit directly to Mother Earth. Example Ground Rods.

My understanding for Europe is the Utility Power Transformer’s neutral is connected to Mother Earth at the transformer only. Not again there after. At the dwelling unit there is a ground bar in the electrical panel that connects to a ground rod driven in the Earth. All safety equipment grounds connect to the ground bar. That is a stark difference in the two grounding systems. The only reference from the dwelling unit service entrance neutral conductor to the neutral, grounded, connected, to Earth at the utility Power Transformer is through the soil of the Earth. Potentially a high impedance path...

I can’t help but wonder how the shield of a shielded power cord used in Germany functions.


@jea48 Meanwhile i have moved to Czechia ;)

To be honest I have no idea how the earth works here or how the cables are ''done''... I'm bit ignorant on this topics :)

Maybe AI could help us here...

What i know: German and Dutch power cords have the ''phase'' (positive?) on the right pin. Same from the wall sockets.

In Czechia the wall sockets have the ''phase'' on the left... so if I now use a German power cord I have to connect it ''upside/down''.