A moving story Audio Physics Caldera II

I just relocated to indianapolis for my job and after buying a new home i found my beloved (at least for me!) Klipschorns just dont have a place to put them. I hoped my new theater room would work with a few modifications, but the horns are just not right for the room. So it was time to move on. I happened to see a set of Audio Physic Caldera II on auction and i was lucky enough to snag the pair. They arrived this weekend and after several hours of hookup, i got them going. The three box set are a little more challenging to set up but i finally fired them up. Arghh, one of the midrange drivers was rattling. A quick look found that one busted so now i have a nice pair of busted speakers. Fortunately, scanspeak makes the driver used in the unit and i was able to replace today. After getting these going, i was shocked how different they sound than my Klipschorns. The bass response is so much better than any setup i ever had with the Klipshorns. The soundstage is more defined and expansive. I really enjoyed the clarity of the midrange of the Klipschorn but i find the Calderas are about as good. I have not listened them very much and i still want to experiment with the wiring and inverting the bass modules to see how that impacts the sound. I have heard that the calderas can be a little room fussy and like to be away from the wall but that will not not be possible. I have see a few threads on the 3 box calderas but i would like know if there are some things i should be looking for as i move and optimize these speakers. Any input by the group would be appreciated. Now to sell some Khorns!
Looks like we are neighbors, just moved into the northridge subdivision in Brownsburg. Nice area. Maybe get a chance to meet you and discuss this insane habit!
Hey, we can meet at Walmart!! ;)

We are neighbors! I live in the Highland Springs subdivision north of I74. If you need a pair of speakers while your Calderas are down I have a few spares. Unfortunately, nothing at that level.
I owned the original Calderas and found them to to be peerless in some respects (soundstage/low-level detail, naturalness) so I think you will enjoy them once broken in. If you are having any low frequency problems with the room, better to invert the bass modules because that will decouple the side-firing woofers from the room boundary somewhat. The bass will be a little lighter in the pants, but likely more tuneful and articulate.

I used a wide set up with the speakers 9-10 feet apart and in the relative near field, so that they were just barely in my forward line of sight, and far out from the wall behind them. The original designer, Joachim Gerhard recommended a listening seat near or against the back wall and the speakers halfway into the room, spread far apart, with the forward drivers pointing just inside your shoulders. I cheated that a little to my room and taste, but had the listening seat near the wall behind it 1-2 feet out; the speakers halfway into the room and spread wide. If your room allows it, I'd start with an approximation of that set up and work forward and back, wide to less wide until you find that sweet spot. the wiring harness makes a difference but set up is the biggest difference maker.

I hope this is of some help.


Thanks for the info. On some material, the bass response is too much and i will try inverting the bass module. Not sure i can ease these into the room too much as the room is set up as a home theater also. I will experiment to see how much i can pull them out though. one thing is very clear however, they are very revealing. Katy Lied by Steely Dan is a great example. This album really sounds bad with these speakers. This is a well known "poor mastering" album and i really didnt know what folks were talking about previously but wow with these speakers. I now understand why so many people talk about this album. My Khorns tended to smooth out some of the rough spots but the Caldera really showed how the mids and highs just are not well blended or balanced. On a great recording like the Traveling Wilburys, these speakers really sound great.