1. Seeking speakers that sound alive and dynamic at 55 dbs with occasional peaks at 60 dbs. Headphones do not work for me. My ears were just tested and ENT advised my ears are normal for a 72 year old. He said that I have normal age related hearing loss. My ears are uncomfortable when I listen over 55 dbs.  My current system is as follows:

Martin Logan11A impression loudspeakers with 2 SVS 4000 subs. 

Bryston 4B3 Cubed power amp & Bryston BP-19 preamp.

Chord Qutest Dac-with LHY linear power supply.   

Lumin U2 mini  streamer with S Booster power supply.

Before I change speakers I plan to upgrade my DAC to Weiss 204 with Linear power supply, and then purchase Schitt Audio Loki Max equalizer (to boost bass and treble) hopefully to counteract Fletcher Munson Curve.

Finally I was thinking of Klipsch Forte 4 & Cornwall 4, and Frigg 2 by O Audio, as

reviews of all three say they all sound great at low volumes.   I know many say Klipsch is not high end or very revealing, but is there anybody out there that owns or has heard any of the above. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I enjoy this hobby and the great music it brings to the table. I don't want to stop listening and just seeking to find a solution that would allow me to continue musical enjoyment.

Thanks for your thoughts.



I'm there as well at 69 with minimal diminished hearing. I agree with @audphile1 on the EQ use. I wasn't using the EQ on my McIntosh MA352, but since my diagnosis I adjusted the EQ settings to match my hearing levels and I'm pleased with the outcome so far. 

One note on hearing aids, the specialists have told me they are optimized for human conversation, not music. I did try aids without the EQ on and with EQ on and I wasn't pleased with the results.

@carlsbad2 I have not heard the horn array model, specifically, but, a guy nearby who bought my DIs some years ago has a newer & ’smaller’ model as well now... with a single 15" and the array, (that’s it, no mid bass drivers). It had all kinds of detail (wow kinda detail), low end for days, very coherent and sounded like my TAD bred with some horn a bit (sonics-wise). But, that model is 94 db or so sensitive, probably to accommodate the bass extension. By detail, i don’t mean the tilted up/FR gimmick done by most manufacturers to make a dude believe his speaker is detailed...this had something i would attribute to the array, small driver impulse response perk in a FR range where such a driver never typically operates in.

I think the 103db dual 15 horn array model has the right ingredients for someone like the OP, but, as you may suspect, i think he tweaks/refines his models over time based on feedback..., a polycell model sold to somebody 5 years ago may have well received some additional tweaking since then..I recently picked up a pair of used moabs from a dude, one of the earlier serial base model, in the midst of painting it, etc. I am sure newer Moabs have gotten tweaked since then.


@deep_333 I have long been intrigued by that speaker pictrued but have never heard it. At 103 dB/watt is should excell at low volumes. I do worry that it doesn’t have the mid bass driver that this manufacturer usually uses. However, the designer prides himself on a flat frequency response so I’m sure he has it figured out. I do have a lot of experience with this brand (although not in my system right now) and the low mass midrange array is one of the best upper midrange performers I’ve ever heard and it does sound great at low levels.


"How do you know Russ? Im interested?"

I've owned two Klipsch models and spent a full day with LaScalas, I've owned two very good Triangles, Own one pair of Martin-Logans and extensive experience with another. Plus, I like tube equipment at low volumes. 

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