It depends on you. Are you thrilled by the incremental difference? I am. It is what has been so rewarding about this pursuit. That additional realism and the fit with my aesthetic... which is now how well duplicates real natural music. Both aspects make me extremely happy. So, that appreciation brought me to identify Wilson, Magico, B&W, and Sonus Faber... but to purchase and enjoy Sonus Faber... because of its excellence and its fit with my aesthetic.
If I was a "good enough" kind of person... well it would be a complete waste of money. It is all about what you get out of it and that is a personality trait. This is typical of people across the spectrum. I hike, climb, and bike ride. I have a closet of Arctrex jackets that are both in themselves the pinnacle of design excellence and with the selection I have I can go out into sever conditions and be perfectly comfortable, with the perfect garment. It increases the enjoyment to me of the experience. Ditto... cameras, computers... etc.