@buellrider97 message received, I replied with a separate message as Agon has the Cc policy I wont use nor care to for security reasons.
Anyhow, reading the thread, IF you did decide to send the Rouge in, and you mentioned your others system with Zu's. Not sure if you plan to use those speakers or not.
If yes, if you can, I'd stick with the Rogue recommendations to send, test, and dial in those amps with KT77s, [I'm a KT120 tube user btw], but like KT77s for this.
If I could reconfigure my larger QS Mono 120s, dialed down plate voltage, and bias more, i'd likely be running KT77s instead as I'm like EL34s with a jolt, like KT77s.
If you do send/sent them in - they can bias the input, outputs, and check for noise across the board. Getting the noise way down is key over which vintage tubes to use any more. Properly set up, tested, you could do fine with new/re-issue tubes imo. This granted you don't need extra power, no need for KT120s, go KT77s,