Hello, I have Wilson Watt Puppy 8 powered by 2 McIntosh MC275s monoblocked with a McIntosh c2300 preamp. I think they sound fantastic. The bass is the best I have heard in my price range for tower speakers, but, I bought them used. Top end is clean and sweet. The whole 2 ohm issue seems overblown to me and I do not perceive the sound changing when I stand up. Before the Watt/Puppy 8, I ran ML Electrostats with a Sub with the same equipment except an extra SS amp for the sub. Nice setup, but, it does not compare to the W/P 8, and the sound of the MLs did change when I stood up. Overall, the W/P 8 sound, punch, & air movement just work well together. I like the bass coming out of the W/P 8 better than running a separate sub... Maybe the idea with the W/P 8 was to create a smallish tower that did not need a sub ? without bi-amping and all that complexity.... Is that worth a 2 ohm dip on a specific frequency ? Definitely worth a big listen before judging. Here is a pic of my system:
PS. Anybody that has heard my W/P 8 says they sound glorious, but, they are not audiophiles, so, it is possible that they do not have the right trained ears.