The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues.

GR Research gave a breakdown of these & I was surprised..

Owner looking to make them sound better.


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Hello, I have Wilson Watt Puppy 8 powered by 2 McIntosh MC275s monoblocked with a McIntosh c2300 preamp. I think they sound fantastic. The bass is the best I have heard in my price range for tower speakers, but, I bought them used. Top end is clean and sweet. The whole 2 ohm issue seems overblown to me and I do not perceive the sound changing when I stand up. Before the Watt/Puppy 8, I ran ML Electrostats with a Sub with the same equipment except an extra SS amp for the sub. Nice setup, but, it does not compare to the W/P 8, and the sound of the MLs did change when I stood up. Overall, the W/P 8 sound, punch, & air movement just work well together. I like the bass coming out of the W/P 8 better than running a separate sub... Maybe the idea with the W/P 8 was to create a smallish tower that did not need a sub ? without bi-amping and all that complexity.... Is that worth a 2 ohm dip on a specific frequency ? Definitely worth a big listen before judging. Here is a pic of my system:

PS. Anybody that has heard my W/P 8 says they sound glorious, but, they are not audiophiles, so, it is possible that they do not have the right trained ears. 

As has been mentioned the WP8 is an old model.  I hope Jay can host a discussion with Wilson to get their comments, etc.   Apparently Wilson did respond on Facebook.  If someone has access to FB can you please post their comments here?
