Movie/film suggestions.


While this is of course a forum for the discussion of all things audio/hi-fi and music, pretty much all of us are also lovers of movies, the enjoyment of which is effected by the reproduction of the sound they contain (with the exception of silent movies wink).

I've been focused on David Lynch movies since his death, but with current events so much a part of our lives at the moment, I plan on re-watching a movie I’ve seen only once, and years ago. That movie is:

The Madness Of King George. Apropos, no?



"For Billy Wilder it’s Sunset Blvd. and The Apartment." 

This is my favorite Billy Wilder film!

Stalag 17 (1953) - IMDb

The music background of "The Leftovers" is a favorite of mine (and the series was good as well).


I was just able to get "TyouRD" past the AOL Forum censors.




I’m a huge fan of all of the directors mentioned in this post especially Lynch and Kubrick. I’m a movie buff with a huge library of Blu Rays and DVDs with lots of films by Lynch, Kubrick, Billy Wilder, the Coens, Hitchcock, and  Jim Jarmusch.  I’m also a fan of Chaplin and recently felt compelled to purchase a Criterion Blu-Ray copy of his 1940 dark satire featuring his very first speaking role. A time less classic which was extremely relevant when it was released and unfortunately still is.

Thanks for the "Eraserhead" recommendation. One of my favourite David Lynch movies that definitely requires a rewatch.

Stanley Kubrick's "Dr. Strangelove" is top 5 all time. "Mine shaft gap" Brilliant.

As for the Coen Bros.. All are great, but if I want a good laugh it's "Raising Arizona" all day.