@wideload Did you also snuggle with his cat? Frank always had a cat hanging around the house. Two of us from work were in Minny one week and we stopped in to visit Frank and company. He was of course playing Salk speakers in the shop.
I wish I could find the photo of Frank sitting at the counter in our house in Michigan eating a piece of pie and he requested a glass of milk to wash it down while he chatted with my wife. We were having a large home theater group GTG that day and he was travelling along with Jim Salk who lived about an hour away.
Frank was a great guy and incredibly knowledgeable as folks above pointed out. He really knew his shiite but he was also very opinionated about circuits he may have poo-poo'd along the way. It was always great to hear him zero in on what worked and what hadn't in his journey. Colorful insights from the professor.
RIP Frank!!